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Drunk driver to police: “I’m an owl”

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2014 | Blog, News

The suspect was hiding in a tree


NORTHBOROUGH, Mass. — An alleged drunken driver arrested while hiding 30 feet up a tree Friday on Interstate 290 “rambled on about being an owl” when confronted, police wrote in court documents.

Troy A. Prockett, 37, of Hudson, was arraigned Monday on a slew of — including third-offense drunken driving — after town firefighters had to use a bucket truck to bring a cop 30 feet into a tree to arrest him, the MetroWest Daily News reported.

Documents in Westborough District Court provide additional details about the unusual arrest, including the fact that police at one point feared the man’s daughter might have been ejected from his vehicle.

Full StoryPolice: ‘I’m an owl,’ says drunken driver hiding in tree